Ready to Start a New Journey Instead of a Commute?

we’ve got you! Get started here

Freelance Bio Samples for Beginners

Like thousands and thousands of others, you’ve found yourself either laid off or “ordered” to return to the office post-pandemic…

You are not alone.

305,000 people were laid off in the US in 2023…

Many companies have been ordering their employees to return to the office after working remotely for the last few years…

Even though it’s been established that working from home just makes sense – both for employees and business owners:

  • 71% of individuals who work remotely feel that it improves their work-life balance
  • People working remotely earn an average of $19,000 more per year than in-office employees
  • On average, businesses can save $11,000 per employee by hiring remotely instead

While we know this can be an extremely anxiety-inducing time for you, as we’ve seen with many of our members in the last few years it can also become an opportunity.

Just like it was for Jill...

“I was working full-time for a staffing agency as an Executive Assistant for five years. Then, COVID-19 happened and my hours and pay were cut in half – that’s when I decided to go virtual.

Within three months I had my first client  and landed three more clients from those leads. I continued working part-time while I was building my client base and now I’m a full-time, fully booked VA working about 35 hours per week.” 

~ Jill Mohler

The workforce is changing, and so are you.

The great news is that there is another viable way for you to earn income using skills you already have with your current work and life experience as a freelancer or Virtual Assistant.

One that could potentially:

  • Replace a full-time income
  • Exponentially improve how you feel about the work you do (or were doing) and how you spend your time
  • Give you the flexibility and freedom to work around your life, and not vice versa
  • Provide you with unlimited potential for professional and financial growth

And while we want you to make the best, most informed decision about your next steps…

It’s vital to remember (and you’re likely already very aware) that time is of the essence for you.

The honest truth...

The truth is that with focus and consistency, you can be up and running as a freelancer and earning income very quickly.

All you need is:

  • An understanding of how you can provide services based on your current experience and skills directly to businesses while cutting out the middleman (and lack of ‘job security’) of an employer
  • A computer
  • A reliable internet connection
  • A way to get paid 
That’s it.

You don’t need to spend time and energy learning a bunch of new skills (in fact in your case, that will only waste time you don’t have). 

You don’t need a website, business name, logo, or any of those things.

What you do need is to establish some basics so you can begin having conversations and finding paid work as quickly as possible.

First, know that it’s completely achievable.

So many of our members have been in the same place as you are, employed but looking to branch out, and build some more opportunity for themselves. 

Take a look for some inspiration…

Sandy Schultz

"I spent over 20 years in the corporate world and around year 10, the thought of having my own business started to take shape. Every time I got started, life got in the way, so it was several years later that I stumbled upon this program. Once I got started, I knew I was in the right place. And now, 3 years later, I have a full roster of clients and I've replaced my full-time corporate income."

Jill Mohler

“I was working full-time for a staffing agency as an Executive Assistant for five years. Then, COVID-19 happened and my hours and pay were cut in half – that’s when I decided to go virtual. Within three months I had my first client and then landed three more clients. I continued working part-time while I was building my client base and now I’m a full-time, VA working about 35 hours per week."

Darien Hubbard

"I started building my VA business on the side while still working full-time and landed my very first client with one of the leads shared by the program. I went on to build my roster to fully booked with those leads – within 10 months of joining, I was able to hand in my resignation! Fully Booked VA takes all the guesswork out of how to build a legitimate freelance business.”

Stephanie Barnes

"This program and team helped me start and grow my own business allowing me to have more freedom and flexibility. They taught me how to set up my business, how to find clients, how to work through challenges, and how to discover business practices that best fit my personality. I've recently left my full-time Corporate America career behind and am on my way to becoming fully booked."

Land your first clients...

First things first – you need someone to work with.

While you’re getting started and your client roster is either empty or has some room to grow, your efforts should be focused on finding those first clients.

Consider the time you’ll be allotting to your work hours in the future (when you have clients to work with), time to focus on landing clients for now.

Be sure to leave some time for working in your business and getting things in place, but also know that your efforts should be primarily focused on finding clients until you have some.

The order of finding clients is sourcing leads, pitching prospects, and… landing clients!

Here are our top 3 pointers for getting started finding new clients:


Sourcing Clients in Your Natural Network

The quickest, most effective way we see new freelancers and VAs finding their first clients and referrals is by having conversations with their existing network.

This does not mean “making a list of your friends and family” to approach in a way that feels inauthentic, sales-y, or downright gross. 

We all have a “built-in” network. Even if you think you don’t, you have friends, family, and community groups you may be a part of… all the people you’re connected with currently are in your network.

And, to be clear, this doesn’t mean just “business people.” There are people in your life that are what we call “connectors.” They may not be small business owners looking to hire a Virtual Assistant or freelancer, but they may know people who can benefit from your services.

With this strategy, it’s not about selling – it’s about asking for help. You’re asking people in your network to help you connect with people they may know who could use your help. 

Keep in mind that there are so many small business owners out there doing way too many things that they don’t want to be or don’t have the time for. Anything a business requires to run can be contracted out to a freelancer or Virtual Assistant, and you can be of service to them by being a trustworthy professional and human being.

Keep in mind also that people love to help. Especially if they’re people who know, like, and trust you and who want to see you succeed. These are the people we’re looking for with this strategy. 

The key is to give people specific instructions about how they can help you so they can quickly identify people that they know who could be a great fit for your business. 

Wondering what that looks like? Let’s get specific…

Here’s exactly how you can approach your natural network, through email, social media, or in-person conversation:

“Do you know anyone that needs help with [insert your service]?

Try and fit in something specific you can offer as a service here – think of the things you were doing in your previous career. 

That may mean “translating” those skills into offerable services, like admin services, bookkeeping, or data management, for example.

“As a Virtual Assistant/freelancer [or whatever title you choose], I help people just like this from my home office.”

The goal here is to let people know you’re self-employed and that you work from home – virtually. You’re not looking for a full-time job, you’re not looking to become an employee, and you’re definitely not looking to take up space in someone’s office.

“I’m currently taking on new clients. If you need help with this or know someone who does, please share this or private message me.”

(Or “hit reply” if it’s an email.)

With this strategy, you’re putting yourself out there confidently – and not desperately. You don’t need to say that you’re a brand new Virtual Assistant or freelancer, but rather that you have space to work with new clients (which is true). 

Lastly, there are many ways to source clients (which we cover inside our program). We recommend finding a method that feels most comfortable and sustainable for you and doing it consistently.


Pitch to Cold or Warm Leads

While asking people to hire you can feel a bit intimidating and even scary to some at first, this is also the lifeblood of your new endeavor. In other words, this part is a must – clients won’t just come to you. You have to find them and reach out to them.

So how does one go about pitching for work? After you’ve qualified the person or business that you’d like to work with (after all, you don’t want to work with just anyone), the next step is to reach out via email.

Here’s an example of a pitch email you could send:

Hi [Name – always personalize this whenever possible],

I came across <insert company name> via <how you learned about them> – congratulations on your success! I clicked through to your website and found <insert something to make an authentic connection and share why it resonated with you>. 

On the chance that you’re looking for <insert service offering> help as your company continues to grow, I thought I’d reach out and offer my support. 

<Insert a paragraph or two about why the service is important, why they might need it, and what it might look like to work together> 

If this is something you’d like to chat further about, just hit reply. 

~Your Name 

PS: You can learn more about me here. <Insert link to your LinkedIn profile if you have one>

Of course, you can (and should) modify this to reflect your personality and style.

As you’re pitching clients, here are some things to keep in mind:

Start now. Don’t wait until you have every last detail attended to (you never will). Just get to work pitching and the rest will fall into place as you learn more and build your business, promise.

Come up with a subject line that will get your email opened. Remember that business owners are often very busy people who get a lot of emails every day. Try something like: [Person’s name], you and I would make a great team!

Timing is everything. If you come across someone via social media, a posted lead, etc, who looks like they could use your help jump on it – don’t wait.

Make your pitch about them – don’t go on and on about why you’re the right person for the job. Remember that you’re getting your foot in the door to start a conversation. Keep it brief, to the point, and relevant. No one wants to read a monstrously long email. Ever.

Pitch at least once a day. It will get easier with consistency and practice. Pitching also tends to have a ‘snowball effect’ and build momentum. You may not see results right away, but if you keep at it, you will. Remember that pitching is a numbers game – the more you do it (consistently), the more likely you’ll see results.

Follow up with your pitches. This is so important. So important, in fact, that if you’re not following up you may as well not be pitching. Send a follow-up email 5-7 days after your initial pitch, one another week later, then one a couple of weeks after that, switch to once a month, etc. until you hear a “thanks for following up with me, let’s talk” or a “no thank you.” Clients are most often landed because of follow up.

Don’t give up. Remember that you’re sowing seeds. All of your efforts are important and add up to a bigger picture of results, even when you don’t hear back from pitches right away or even ever. It’s all learning and experience and it’s good information so you can continue to refine and grow. Also – keep in mind that it’s really not unusual to hear from leads you’ve pitched months, even a year later (it happens all the time, in fact).


Sealing the Deal ("The Close")

After you’ve found your ideal person or business to work with, pitched them, and have heard back from them about your offer to connect, it’s time to see if you’re the right fit to work together.

This is usually done via video chat or phone (sometimes just email though believe it or not) and is really just an opportunity for you both to find out whether you’d like to work with one another.

After connecting, if it’s a fit, you and your new client will work out the details of getting started together, and voila! You now have a client.

It’s really that simple!

Some things to consider as you get started...

If you’re ready to make that leap into taking things full steam ahead, it’ll help to keep a few (more) things in mind…

Getting Paid

Once you begin actually providing services, you need to get paid right?

There are many invoicing services out there like QuickBooks, FreshBooks, etc.

In the beginning, however, it’s best to just keep things simple. 

For example, you can quickly turn your personal PayPal account into a business one after setting up a free EIN (if you’re in the US you can do so on the IRS website) to send an invoice and get that first payment in the bank quickly.

Marketing Yourself

The great news? This can be very simple also.

Either set up or work on your existing LinkedIn profile to reflect your new role as a VA or freelancer and get to networking.

We recommend LinkedIn as a great starting place for putting yourself out there as this is where professionals hang out and are already in the mindset of networking.

While it’s a great idea to have a website at some point to establish your online presence and to have a place to send potential clients, it is not – at all – necessary to get your freelance business off the ground.

Let us say that again. It is not necessary to have a website to get your freelance business going and to start getting paid.

But how can I represent my services online in this digital world, you ask?

Great question, and again, a straightforward solution.

Create a PDF of your services. Perhaps add a little branding with a couple of colors (don’t go overboard) and a headshot (use your best, well-lit selfie with a non-distracting background) and there you go.

You can do this on your home computer or with a free platform like Canva.

Keep it simple, and keep the content relevant to what a potential client would want to know – your skills and services, and how you can help them.

What about those business-y things?

Yes, getting your business organized and the pieces in place to have an efficient, productive business is important. Later. 

Remember that our goal here is to get you up and running as soon as possible, and our experience is that people get very hung up in the fine details before getting their business actually started. In this case, we mean finding those first clients and getting to work, and again – time is of the essence for you.

As you’re getting started you can provide services under your own name and use your social security number for tax purposes.

The bottom line is that none of the business-y things matter until you land your first client.

There’s a reason we started this section with pointers on doing just that!

Now that you have some basics in place, it’s time to get pitching and find those first clients… 

Put in the work, be consistent, and know that you can do this.

One last thing.

Your brain is likely swimming with the possibilities right now… and possibly even telling you all of the reasons why you shouldn’t do this.

It’s okay, and totally normal – it’s your brain’s way of keeping you safe!

And while that instinct was crucial at one time to protect us from very real dangers (like being chased by saber-toothed tigers and dinosaurs), it just won’t serve you in this case. In fact, it will only keep you from taking risks and finding out what you’re truly capable of.

Making a decision to make a permanent change in your career and lifestyle is a big one – and we want it to be the right one for you.

If you’re ready for a systematic, step-by-step process for doing so, and all the support you need in navigating this next chapter of your life, we recommend enrolling in our flagship course, VA Foundations.

You already have skills you can create income with as a freelancer right now, and we’ll help you with the strategies and tactics for building a successful, scalable, consistent service-based business.

After all…

Why not you? Why not now?

Not sure which services to offer as a Virtual Assistant?

Enter your email and we’ll send you a full list of what you can sell, how valuable those skills are and where to find clients to serve!